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Basic usage

The reason we choose queues is that we want to run jobs in the background.

Here we will present how you can create your own job class, which you will later use in your own queue.

Create a job class

Here with help comes a generator that will allow us to quickly get started. In our example we will create the Email class:

php spark queue:job Email

The above command will create a file in App\Jobs namespace. Once we have our class, we need to add it to the $jobHandlers array, in the Config\Queue configuration file.

// app/Config/Queue.php

use App\Jobs\Email;

// ...

 * Your jobs handlers.
public array $jobHandlers = [
    'email' => Email::class,

// ...

Implement a job

One of the most popular tasks delegated to a queue is sending email messages. Therefore, in this example, we will just implement that.


namespace App\Jobs;

use Exception;
use CodeIgniter\Queue\BaseJob;
use CodeIgniter\Queue\Interfaces\JobInterface;

class Email extends BaseJob implements JobInterface
     * @throws Exception
    public function process()
        $email  = service('email', null, false);
        $result = $email
            ->setTo('[email protected]')
            ->setSubject('My test email')

        if (! $result) {
            throw new Exception($email->printDebugger('headers'));

        return $result;

To handles the job we always use the process method. This method is called when our job is executed.

You may be wondering what the $this->data['message'] variable is all about. We'll explain that in detail in the next section, but for now it's important for you to remember that all the variables we pass to the Job class are always held in the $this->data variable.

Throwing an exception is a way to let the queue worker know that the job has failed.

Using transactions

If you have to use transactions in your Job - this is a simple schema you can follow.


Due to the nature of the queue worker, Strict Mode is automatically disabled for the database connection assigned to the Database handler. That's because queue worker is a long-running process, and we don't want one failed transaction to affect others.

If you use the same connection group in your Job as defined in the Database handler, then in that case, you don't need to do anything.

On the other hand, if you are using a different group to connect to the database in your Job, then if you are using transactions, you should disable Strict Mode through the method: $db->transStrict(false) or by setting the transStrict option to false in your connection config group - the last option will disable Strict Mode globally.

// ...

class Email extends BaseJob implements JobInterface
     * @throws Exception
    public function process(string $data):
        try {
            $db = db_connect();
            // Disable Strict Mode

            // Job logic goes here
            // Your code should throw an exception on error

            if ($db->transStatus() === false) {
            } else {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            throw $e;

Other options

We can also configure some things on the job level. It's a number of tries, when the job is failing and time after the job will be retried again after failure. We can specify these options by using variables:

// ...

class Email extends BaseJob implements JobInterface
    protected int $retryAfter = 60;
    protected int $tries      = 1;

    // ...


Values presented above, are the default one. So you need to add them only when you want to change them.

These variables may be overwritten by the queue worker, if we use the proper parameters with command queue:work. For more information, see commands.

Sending job to the queue

Sending a task to the queue is very simple and comes down to one command:

service('queue')->push('queueName', 'jobName', ['array' => 'parameters']);

In our particular case, for the Email class, it might look like this:

service('queue')->push('emails', 'email', ['message' => 'Email message goes here']);

We will be pushing email job to the emails queue.

Consuming the queue

Since we sent our sample job to queue emails, then we need to run the worker with the appropriate queue:

php spark queue:work emails

Now we are going to consume jobs from the queue emails. This command has many parameters, but you can learn more about that at commands page.